Saturday at Comic Con, and my final day. Sunday was the real last day, but I knew I’d be too wiped to make it. In fact, I was already struggling a bit, after my monster Friday. Luckily my first panel wasn’t until 12:30, so I was able to come in late and still have some time to walk around a bit first. I went down to Artist Alley to check in with Mia and Ryan, and took a few pics.
I was really happy to spot Vishavjit Singh, the man behind “Captain America in a turban.” I had heard him talk about his experiences dressing up as a bearded, turbaned Cap at a panel on day one, and was glad to have the opportunity to tell him how much I had enjoyed it.
The Spectre! I love the glowing green eyes, but it must get a little distracting, walking around seeing everything through a verdant haze.
Ant-Man and Yellowjacket!
The first panel I wanted to attend was about shattering female stereotypes in comics, but alas, it was not to be. Saturday was jam-packed (I still don’t understand how other days can sell out and still not be as crowded as Saturday…) and even the less-popular panels had long lines. There was a special room set up to house the line for this panel, which I found with some difficulty. There was a logjam at the end of the line because someone was taking a picture, so I waited for it to clear – but somebody else didn’t, and he cut in front of me. I almost said something, but let it go – I wasn’t entirely sure he had done it on purpose (but I don’t know how he couldn’t have seen me…). So I waited for a half-hour, and of course, they capped the line before me. The guy who cut me was the last person let into the room. I’m too nice for my own good.
But I then had plenty of time to wait in line for my next…first…panel, “Prism Comics Presents: Autobiography in Queer Comics.”
From left to right, that’s AK Summers, Carlo Quispe, moderator Tara Madison Avery, my new comics crush Morgan Boecher, my old comics crush Sina Grace (look, I have a type, and it’s men who make comics), L. Nichols, and Ariel Schrag. This was a really fun panel – pretty straightforward, just creators talking about their autobiographical comics, like it says on the tin. But it was an interesting group and I discovered some new comics I want to check out.
I had a few hours to kill before my next panel, so I grabbed lunch (I splurged on the Javitz Center food court – I couldn’t take a third day of a soggy Subway sandwich) and walked the vendor floor, where I spent way, way too much money. I usually don’t spend a lot at NYCC, but this year the urge to consume came upon me. I went by the Prism Comics booth and Morgan Boecher (from the panel above) was there, selling copies of his book What’s Normal Anyway?, which I bought and got signed. Also took some pictures…
The original Captain Marvel. Shazam!
Red Robin and Nightwing!
I swung by the Valiant Comics booth on Ryan Winn’s recommendation – the only comics of theirs I’ve read has been Divinity, just because Ryan inked it, but I really enjoyed it and have been meaning to check them out. Their relaunch is a couple years old at this point, so I was a little unsure of where to get started, but armed with Ryan’s tips and helped by a very nice Valiant salesperson, I picked up a starter pack of five trades for only thirty bucks – great deal!
And as I was finishing, Ryan came up from the bowels of Artist Alley for a signing.
After some more wandering – and spending – I headed back down to the panel room area, spotting a few more cosplayers along the way.
Cable, Shatterstar, and Domino! You know what they say, the family that cosplays together, cosstays together.
Mad Max! And I think Slit, going by the make-up.
This Doctor Strange was behind me in line. The gloves lit up and his Eye of Agamotto was holographic – pretty cool.
I learned my lesson and got in line in plenty of time for “Secret Identities – Creating Transgender Characters in Comic Books.”
Left to right we’ve got moderator Charles Battersby, Morgan Boecher (who was also on my last panel), Jennie Wood, Tara Madison Avery (ditto), and P. Kristen Enos. Once again I shall disappoint with my journalistic efforts, as I don’t have much to say beyond this was another fun panel of creators talking about comics. Lots of good info on writing trans characters, which I shall surely take to heart in my own efforts.
This panel got out at 6:15, and my day at the con was done. I had to hurry home before heading out again, so I made one last trip down to Artist Alley to say goodbye to Ryan and Mia, then made my way home – my bag bulging, my wallet empty. But on the way…
Phoenix Force X-Men! I’ve got some names and links for these fantastic cosplayers, thanks to Instagram – Cyclops (@hanz_solo), Colossus (@prince2llk), Phoenix (@katfish9910), Wolverine (Juan) and Sub-Mariner (@outlaw2lk, who I believe made all the costumes).
Captain America, with his WW2 USO chorus!
And that was my day – well, in fact, I spent the night at Rockbar at the Geeks Out afterparty, but I’m afraid that’s a story not for public consumption. Suffice it to say there was an awesome show, the vodka flowed freely, and I met some wonderful people. (I’ll always hold a spot for you in my heart, Steampunk Hawkeye.)
Day three loot!
This was an expensive day for me, as I said. I got a copy of the Kickstarter edition of Gail Simone and Jim Calafiore’s awesome Leaving Megalopolis – I bought it from Mr. Calafiore himself in Artist Alley, so it’s signed. Yay! I also picked up a cheap phonebook edition of DNAgents for five bucks, a series I only read scattered issues of when it first came out but now can binge on. And there’s the aforementioned What’s Normal Anyway? and the five trades I picked up on the cheap from Valiant. (I’ve read three of the five already, and think I’ve found a new comics universe to get lost in.)
This was a really great year at NYCC for me. Panels that were both fun and informative, time with good friends, and I actually got some honest-to-goodness networking done. NYCC 2016, I’m ready for you!