Distant Falls, the soap opera comedy web series I wrote, directed, and appear in, is now live! You can watch the first three episodes now, and new episodes are released every Tuesday night at 8pm EST, until the grand finale on February 13.
Distant Falls stars a bunch of friends I made while studying improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade, plus one friend I made a long time ago while studying at the National Shakespeare Conservatory. I wrote it to give us something creative to do during lockdown, since we couldn’t do live improv anymore. Because we were all isolated, the story is told entirely through video calls the characters make to one another. It was a challenging way to write an ongoing story, but I think it worked out! Take a look at the first episode, at least – I’m really proud of it. And if you enjoy it, like, subscribe, share, all that stuff to help art get seen in our modern dystopic era!