Now blogging for Geeks OUT!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m going to be blogging for Geeks OUT, a terrific queer nerd culture organization. My first post is up now – it’s a close queer read of Marvel Comics’ 1986 masterpiece, Steelgrip Starkey and the All-Purpose Power Tool. This limited series, about a hunky construction worker and his magic tool, was an eye-opener for me as a kid, with its (inadvertent?) homoeroticism and loving portrayals of the masculine form. I, of course, make fun of it, in a panel-by-panel breakdown. This is part one of a three-part series, looking at the first two issues. Take a look!

Geeks OUT: A Close Queer Read of ‘Steelgrip Starkey and the All-Purpose Power Tool’


Posted by Brian in Geeks OUT, Writing, 0 comments

Update and review round-up

Hello! Sorry it’s been a while – I’ve been hard at work on my fifth book, and I thought it better I spend my sadly limited time on that, rather than on blogging or making videos. But I haven’t vanished completely! I’m always on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, so you can frequently find updates there, and of course you can always sign up for my newsletter.

The new book is called The Dystopia Spell, and it’s the first book in a new series called Multiverse Mashup. I’m shooting for a May release – more details soon!

And finally, Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom has gotten a few nice blog reviews lately,  so if you’re curious:

More soon, I promise!

Posted by Brian in Pointless Babblings, The Dystopia Spell, 0 comments