Ten Thoughts on Cinderella

Cinderella (1950) had a lot riding on it. Walt Disney’s feature film output for most of the later forties consisted primarily of a bunch of package films, made up of shorts that were either considered not meaty enough to support a full-length, or were too expensive in the wake of the financial disasters Disney suffered due to World War II. Cinderella would be their first full-length animated feature since 1942’s Bambi, and rumor was that if it were a flop, the studio would fold. You probably know how that went.

Synopsis: You know this one, right? I’ve done a bunch of really obscure Disney flicks by now that could have really used a synopsis before I started, but I didn’t think of doing one until now, on the story that everyone and their godmother knows. Anyway, here’s the gist of it – Cinderella’s mom croaked and her dad remarried a mean old lady with two mean ugly daughters. When dad dies, Stepmom stops pretending to be nice and she and her kids turn Cinderella into a servant in her own home. One night, a ball is held at the palace and all eligible maidens in the kingdom are commanded to attend. Cinderella is prevented from going by the Steps, but with the help of her Fairy Godmother she gets magically dolled up and makes it to the dance on time. She and Prince Charming hit it off and dance all night, but at the stroke of midnight the spell is broken and Cinderella has to hightail it out  of there, accidentally leaving a glass slipper behind. The Grand Duke sets off in search of the maiden who fits the slipper – surprise, it’s Cinderella! Happily ever after, yadda yadda yadda.

  1. The opening theme croons, “Cinderella, you’re as lovely as your name.” Is it really all that lovely a name, though? Just adding “-ella” to the word cinder? You could add “-ella” to anything and it would sound lovely. Dirtella. Bloodella. Crapella. Vomitella. Oh, Vomitella, you’re as lovely as your name!
  2. Cinderella’s dad is kind of hot. He could have done way, way better on his second marriage. The Wicked Stepmother looks like John Kerry.
  3. Like all pretty, kind-hearted girls, Cinderella can talk to animals. Because why not? Although I think I prefer a reading of this movie where Cindy’s been driven completely insane by her years of isolation and abuse. The mice! The mice made my dress! By the way, did you know that birds can’t control when they poop? If you’ve ever owned a pet bird, you know how utterly disgusting Cinderella’s room should be with all those birds flying around getting into everything. Frankly, mice aren’t too picky about where they drop their bombs either. Forget about sewing them all those cute little jackets and hats, Cinderella – make them some diapers before you get histoplasmosis. (Look it up!)
  4. Stepmother’s room is AMAZING! So purple. Such luxury. Wow. Stepmother’s cat’s name is Lucifer, because the mice are good so the cat has to be evil. Subtlety! Bruno the dog was dreaming of murdering Lucifer and then laughed in his face when Cinderella couldn’t think of a single redeeming quality the cat had.  I kind of feel like any actions Lucifer takes from here on out are justified. I know you’re oppressed, Cinderella, but don’t punch down. And I’m jumping ahead a bit, but while we’re on the subject – Lucifer falls to his death at the end of this movie. I know he’s trying to keep Cinderella from getting out of the locked room and meeting her destiny and all, but he is chased out of a window by the dog and plummets several stories to the cobblestones below. They killed a cat. Everyone’s just okay with this?
  5. I don’t think Drizella’s rendition of “Oh, Sing Sweet Nightingale” is that bad, honestly. I heard worse in summer stock.
  6. If, by royal command, every eligible maiden in the kingdom must attend the ball, shouldn’t there be a whole bunch of servants there? Not to mention farm girls, tavern wenches…prostitutes… How wide a net are we casting, exactly?
  7. I hope Cinderella is just being polite to the birds and mice out of a desire not to hurt their feelings, because that dress they made for her is fucking hideous. It’s a giant novelty birthday-present bow, Mardi Gras beads, and pool noodle shoulder pads draped over a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. The Steps did her a favor when they tore it apart.
  8. The Fairy Godmother scene is the best thing ever. “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo” is in heavy rotation on my main playlist, and I’m not the slightest bit ashamed of that. Also, the horse-coachman is way hotter than Prince Charming. Just saying. I would have made better use of those couple of hours before midnight. If this pumpkin’s a-rocking…
  9. The Prince is gay, right? It’s not just me? The whole reason the King throws the ball is because his son has never shown any interest in women, always preferring to go off hunting (with the boys). Charming yawns in the faces of every single eligible girl in the kingdom, only showing interest in the one woman who doesn’t want anything to do with him – she doesn’t get in the receiving line with all the other eager beavers, and by midnight she’s already making up an obvious lie to get out of spending more time with him. He knows he’s got to marry somebody, so it might as well be the one woman who probably won’t push for icky sex stuff. Oh! And the whole glass slipper, hunt-through-the-kingdom-for-his-one-true-love thing? All the King’s idea. Charming doesn’t even go, the Grand Duke conducts the search without him. And we only have the Grand Duke’s word that Prince Bland is pining away – we never see it – and the Duke’s been ordered to get the Prince married under threat of death, so he’s pretty motivated to tell King Dad whatever he wants to hear. Also, the Prince is an excellent dancer. And he doesn’t have a single line on his face. Botox! Case closed. I find the defendant gayer than the Country Bear Jamboree.
  10. In the original tale, the Stepsisters aren’t ugly. Making them hideous might get a cheap laugh, but it’s a pretty terrible message for Disney to send. Unattractive girls are bullies, and they deserve to be alone and unhappy. Poor, abused beautiful girls! Just keep being pretty and you’ll get your happy ending! Once everyone sees how lovely you are, you’ll marry the prince and you’ll be popular and the rightful order of things will be restored. Oh, also, the boy mice all have different appearances and personalities, but the girl mice are identical except for the colors of their dresses. Okay, I’ll stop with the social commentary. Wait, one more. If Cinderella looked like her Stepsisters, would anybody give a shit? Although, even if she started out that way, the Fairy Godmother would give her magic plastic surgery or something. There’s no way this story gets told where Cinderella isn’t conventionally beautiful at the end, and rewarded for it. All right, that’s enough of that. There’s a lot of messed-up stuff to unpack in this movie, but of course none of it takes away from the fact that Cinderella is fantastic. Sure, Cinderella has no agency whatsoever…crap, I’m doing it again. It’s gorgeous, it’s funny, it’s clever, the songs are beautiful, and even if none of that were true, the brief scene with the Fairy Godmother would be worth everything else. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!


Posted by Brian in Pointless Babblings, Ten Thoughts, 0 comments

Ten Thoughts on The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949), in addition to being the last Disney feature of the 1940s, is also (mercifully) the last package film produced by the studio. Disney was still burning off films left unfinished due to their financial problems during the war, and these two adaptations, deemed unsuitable for feature-length, were reduced to shorts and smashed together into one picture. The two halves of the film were split up and shown elsewhere quite often since its initial release – on television, as shorts before other features, and on home video. I had seen Ichabod’s story before, but Toad and his friends were new to me.

  1. There isn’t a whole lot of commonality between The Wind in the Willows and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the two stories upon which this film is based, and the seams are fraying in the framing sequence tying them together. They couldn’t even come up with a decent theme song – the lyrics are just the names “Ichabod” and “Mr. Toad” repeated again and again. After the credits we zoom into a library for the once original, now done to death conceit of introducing us to the tale by just showing us the book it’s based on. The narrators (Basil Rathbone and Bing Crosby – an even less likely pairing than Ichabod and Mr. Toad) essentially just say, “Hey, here are two interesting characters,” and don’t bother to provide any other justification for why we might watch their stories back to back.
  2. Mr. Toad is up first. Never having read The Wind in the Willows, my only prior knowledge of this story comes from “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” at Disneyland. The shots of the interior of Toad Hall take me right back and I’m instantly terrified. (Shut up. Don’t tell me it’s not a thrill ride. They die and go to Hell at the end.) Basil brings us up to speed on the setting and characters very quickly – Toad, Ratty, Moley, and MacBadger – and we’re into the action. Ratty looks just like the Basil Rathbone version of Sherlock Holmes, which I’m assuming must be intentional. Good in-joke if so. Also, MacBadger has a really sexy Scottish accent. I’d be into him, if he wasn’t an elderly cartoon badger. (Although, I’ve done worse…)
  3. The song “We’re Merrily on Our Way” is pretty great. I love Cyril the horse and I want him to take me for a wild ride in his cart. Any horse who wears a hat with holes cut out for his ears is okay by me.
  4. I like Toad, but I’m not particularly sympathetic towards him. He’s definitely a one-percenter and will be the first amphibian against the wall when the revolution comes. The plot mostly concerns his friends’ attempts to save him from himself – he’s the owner of Toad Hall, the stateliest of stately manors in the Wild Wood, and his mania for fads is causing him to burn through all of his cash. MacBadger is worried that if they don’t stop him, he’ll lose the Hall. I say, let him lose it. Turn it into a museum. (But I’m a dirty socialist so don’t listen to me.) Toad is arrested for stealing a car and put on trial. His defense is that he legally traded Toad Hall to a gang of weasels for the car. Weasels, according to Cyril, are “deceitful and not to be trusted at all.” DAS RACIST! Toad’s found guilty and sentenced to twenty years in the Tower of London, which seems a little severe for a first-time offender, especially a rich one. Rich people don’t go to jail – doesn’t Disney know how the legal system works?
  5. Cyril and Toad dress in drag to escape the tower. Love it. He runs to his friends and Ratty is instantly ready to turn him back over to the police. Man, a toad really learns who is friends are in situations like this, doesn’t he?  SNITCHES GET STITCHES RATTY. There’s a big fight scene against the weasels, which is pretty great, and they get the deed to Toad Hall back, which proves Toad’s innocence somehow. The end. Wait, they never go to Hell? What a rip-off! YOU LIED TO ME MR. TOAD’S WILD RIDE
  6. Part two, and Bing takes over from Basil as our narrator. He spends an awfully long time describing Ichabod Crane’s appearance considering we’re looking right at him. Ichabod is an odd outsider walking through the center of town with his nose buried in a book while all the townspeople, including the ruggedly handsome leader of a gang of drunken roughnecks, sing about how strange he is. So it’s the opening to Beauty and the Beast, several decades early. That ruggedly handsome leader is Bram Bones, and hot damn. I’m not saying I searched DeviantArt for one of those “sexy Disney heroes” drawings of him, I’m not saying I didn’t. (I did.) Ichabod, on the other hand, looks exactly like Pepper, the microcephalic woman from American Horror Story.
  7. I guess Bram is supposed to be the villain, but it’s pretty hard to sympathize with Ichabod. The two are rivals for the love of the beautiful Katrina, but Ichabod wants her because she’s rich, and fantasizes about her dad dying so he can take over their farm. There isn’t really a hero here.
  8. At the dance at the farm, Bram dances with a plump woman only so he can swap her for Katrina, who’s dancing with Ichabod. He’s disgusted by her plumpness because ha ha ha fat women have no value! Blergh. I’d blame it on the 1940s but it’s not like this joke has gone away. This nameless woman is relentlessly cheerful, laughing uproariously as Bram drags her around the dance floor. She’s the most likable character in this and in a right and good world both men would be fighting over her instead of that manipulative tart Katrina.
  9. FINALLY we get to the whole point of this story, the Headless Horseman and holy crap, it’s pretty scary. It’s a little discordant, though, the interplay of the realistically terrifying Horseman with Ichabod’s cartoonishly overwrought reactions. The story isn’t quite committing to either the fear or the humor, and each somewhat undercuts the other. Of course, that’s me as an adult saying this – as a kid, I remember freaking the hell out when the Horseman throws his pumpkin head right at the camera.
  10. Ultimately, this odd pairing works so long as you take each of the two on their own merits. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow drags a bit but is worth it for the ending, whereas The Wind in the Willows is fun throughout but gives the sense that something wonderful was lost when the decision was made never to develop it into a standalone feature. Like many of these forced package films, The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad is probably better served by splitting up its component parts and watching them separately.


Posted by Brian in Pointless Babblings, Ten Thoughts, 0 comments

Derivative Hollywood

Author T. Ellery Hodges has written a great blog post about the difficulties facing cross-genre fiction in Hollywood. He’s active on kboards, a message board for readers and authors I frequent, and started a great conversation on the topic there – this blog post is the result. He mentions Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom in his list of examples towards the end – in the blog post, we came up with “Urban Science Fiction” and “Comedic Thriller” as descriptive genres for the book, genres that don’t actually exist as supported categories on Amazon or any other vendor site. That makes it a little more difficult for books like mine (or those of the other authors he mentions) to gain visibility. Anyway, he says it better than I can – take a look!

Why Is Hollywood So Derivative? What Can We Do About It?

Posted by Brian in Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom, Other People's Writing, 0 comments

Getting drafty

The first draft of Dakota Bell and the Wastes of Time, the fourth and final book in the series The Future Next Door, is done! It was a very satisfying feeling, typing the last line of the last chapter, but also a strange one – I’ve been living with these characters for almost three years now, it’s going to be strange to say good-bye to them.

But I’m not quite done with them yet! Finishing the first draft is just the first (big) step towards publication. There’s a second and third draft to go, then a round of edits from my wonderful beta readers, then one last edit for notes and final changes, then a couple of reads for typos and general proofing. Still, the hardest and most time-consuming (and most fun) part is done, and the book should be on its way to you…fingers crossed…sometime in May. I’ll keep you posted!

Posted by Brian in Dakota Bell and the Wastes of Time, Writing, 0 comments

Apartment 3-G…sort of…

About eight years ago I was unemployed and consequently had a lot of time on my hands. I became obsessed with the comic strip Apartment 3-G, thanks mostly to the brilliant Comics Curmudgeon. For my old LiveJournal blog (Remember LiveJournal? We were so innocent once!) I stayed up many a night taking ten weeks worth of 3-G strips, whiting out the lettering, and creating my own ongoing saga. I thought it might be fun to show a slightly different path my writing once took me down, so here are all of those strips, plus, for all you original readers, a bonus strip at the very end that I never posted. Enjoy them now, before I get the cease and desist letter!

!Apartment_3-G 04-24-07

!Apartment_3-G 04-25-07

!Apartment_3-G 04-26-07


Continue reading →

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