Admitting You’re Terrible

I’m currently working on Mark Park and the Flume of Destiny. It’s the third book in my series, The Future Next Door, and it is also, not coincidentally, the third book I have ever written.

Writing is a skill, of course, and like any skill, you get better at it the more you practice it. My first book, Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom, took me just about a year to write, from first word to publication. I learned a lot as I was writing it – both from the act of writing itself, and from actually studying the craft of writing by reading what other, smarter writers than me had to say – and by the time I was finished with the first draft, I realized I needed to go back to the top and do some pretty serious revisions. It was a long process, but worth it in the end. It’s a good book.

The second book, Caitlin Ross and the Commute from Hell, came a lot easier. Not easy, just easier. It took about seven months in all. Less time because I had figured out that I’m a plotter – I need to break the story down before I start to write, not figure it out as I go along. This resulted in the first draft needing far fewer revisions. It was even more fun to write than the first book had been, and I think it shows in the end result. It’s a better book.

I say I started working on Mark Park a few weeks ago, but really, I started it at the same time I started Caitlin Ross. After I finished the first book, I plotted out all three of the remaining installments in the series – there’s an overall story building, and I had to know where I was going in order to know how to get there. So I had a blueprint in front of me when I actually sat down to write book three.

But…but but but. Something was off. Writing when I got home from work was becoming a chore to be dreaded instead of the best part of my day. I pushed through, telling myself I was just hitting a wall, I was tired, I was cranky, I needed to be changed, anything except admitting there was something wrong with what I was writing. I got through six chapters before I realized that the book just wasn’t going to work. The book I had plotted would not be a good book, let alone a better book. It would be a bad book.

So I threw it all away. All my meticulous plotting. All those weeks of work. Even the few little bits I liked. Once I beat my ego into submission and admitted that I was doing bad work, and gave myself permission to let it go, I was able to see more clearly what was wrong. And then I fixed it.

Tonight I finished my second take on the plot breakdown, and I’m bouncing up and down in my chair with excitement. I know it’s good. And I can’t wait to start writing again.

Posted by Brian in Mark Park and the Flume of Destiny, Pointless Babblings, Writing, 0 comments

Google stories

I’ve been feeling a little creatively blocked, so I devised a writing exercise for myself. I took the top two male and the top two female first names from the 1990 US census, and typed them into Google followed by the word ‘was.’ I then used the first auto-complete as the beginning of a very short story. And here they are! I wrote all of these in the space of about a half-hour, so they’re extremely unpolished, but hopefully they’ve helped me get a little unstuck as I tweak the plot of Mark Park and the Flume of Destiny. I quite like the second story. The fourth auto-complete was so bizarre I almost chucked it, but I’d only be cheating myself… Auto-complete text is in bold.

James was what today could be termed a “snapchataholic.” He would send his friends scores of short, disposable, and by-and-large unwanted videos of himself engaging in activities which he considered hilarious and the rest of the world considered banal. Here’s James eating a bowl of cereal and shouting enthusiastically. Here’s James making the shocker behind his English teacher’s back. Here’s James sticking his tongue out on the bus home. Most of his friends deleted his snapchats unseen. Only one of James’ acquaintances never stopped checking them – she had a slight crush on James, and was hoping for a naked selfie. But he was too boring for even that.

Mary was the marrying kind. After her fifth divorce, however, she realized that she wasn’t really the “being married” kind. All five weddings were dreams, but all five marriages were nightmares. It all worked out eventually – she and Aaron have been engaged for twenty-three years now. They have two kids and a beautiful home in Palo Alto. In her spare time Mary plans the sixth wedding she’ll never have. The dress would be gorgeous and the food would be divine, but Mary loves Aaron too much to marry him. She knows that just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

John was a zombie. It was fairly dull. The last bit of meat had been eaten decades ago, so there wasn’t much to do. There was a little shambling, a little moaning, but mostly he just stood in place and waited for something to happen. He thought about taking up needlepoint but he only had six fingers between his two hands and besides, learning a new skill seemed like an awful lot of effort. Maybe aliens would invade someday. That would be something.

Was Patricia Heaton pregnant in 1998?”

“Excuse me?”

“Was Patricia Heaton pregnant in 1998?”


“Patricia Heaton. The actress.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is.”

“She was the wife on Everybody Loves Raymond.  Debra was her name.”

“Oh. Okay. I remember that show, sure. My parents watched it.”

“And she’s on The Middle now.”

“Yes, I know who you mean now. What did you want to know?”

“Was she pregnant in 1998?”

“I have no idea. How would I know that?”

“The sign says ‘Information.’”

“This is a Home Depot.”


“I can tell you where the paint is or how much lumber costs. I don’t have information about every random thing. Have you Googled it?”

“Again and again and again.”


“I’ve Googled the hell out of this question.”

“Sir, you’re making me uncomfortable.”

“I can’t find what I’m looking for. I just need a little help.”

“Google didn’t have the answer? I can’t help you.”

“Google had the answer, just not what I’m looking for.”

“Oh. I think I…um…have you tried the image search?”

“No! What’s that?”

“Well, you can search for images instead of web sites.”

“Ah! So if I typed ‘Patricia Heaton pregnant 1998’ into the image search…”

“I think you might find what you’re looking for, yes. If I’m understanding you correctly.”

“Oh, you’re understanding me. I like what I like, you know?”

“Please don’t explain.”

“I can’t help it if I have very, very specific tastes.”

“Thank you for choosing Home Depot. Please come again.”

“I will now.”

“Security to the information desk, please.”

Posted by Brian in Short Stories, Writing, 0 comments

Caitlin Ross is here!

Caitlin Ross and the Commute from Hell  is now available!

Caitlin Ross is the second book of The Future Next Door series, and the sequel to Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom. It’s currently available…

It’ll be available soon from iTunes and Kobo, and in paperback from Amazon and Barnes and Noble – watch this space.

And if you haven’t picked up Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom yet, it’s available all January long at a reduced price of just 99 cents for the ebook!

Caitlin Ross is on track to be the action star she’s always wanted to be. She’s got the lead in a new play at a downtown theater, she’s got a handsome, successful boyfriend, and she’s picked up some killer new martial arts skills. But after a missing teen reappears outside her theater, disfigured and violent, Caitlin finds that there’s more to being a hero than just throwing punches. When mysterious portals start hurling her friends around New York City and into danger, Caitlin will have to make the ultimate sacrifice to keep her loved ones safe. If she survives long enough to discover the truth behind their teleporting tormentors, can Caitlin avoid the monstrous fate awaiting her in the theater’s basement? 

Posted by Brian in Caitlin Ross and the Commute from Hell, Writing, 0 comments

Alan Lennox on sale for only 99 cents

Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom is on sale for the month of January – 99 cents for the ebook! Grab it now and get in from the beginning – book two in the series will be out in just a few days!

Alan Lennox has been assigned yet another soul-crushing temp job, keeping him from his first loves – drinking, playing video games, and looking for a boyfriend. But Alan’s new job proves to be anything but boring when his co-workers start turning up dead. The mysterious megacorporation Amalgamated Synergy has taken a deadly interest in Alan and his three roommates, and the hapless quartet are woefully unequipped to deal with the psychotic secretaries, murderous middle managers, and villainous vice-presidents hunting them down. Their investigation leads them deep into Amalgamated Synergy’s headquarters, but can Alan and his friends stay alive long enough to discover who – or what – waits for them on the top floor?

Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom is the first book of The Future Next Door, a contemporary urban science fiction comedic thriller series in four parts.

Posted by Brian, 0 comments

Writing tips

I’ve received so much good advice over the course of my writing career. Now that I’ve got an entire book out, I thought it was only right to give back to others who might be thinking about taking up writing themselves. Here’s some advice, from me to you. You’re welcome.

  1. Don’t write what you know. Your life is boring and nobody wants to hear about it. If exciting things happened to you you wouldn’t be a writer.
  2. If you get stuck halfway through your book, just write, “And then they found a time machine!” and repeat the first half.
  3. Introduce a dog and then kill it off. People freak out when you do that.
  4. Remember that life is rarely straightforward. People have rich inner lives and complex motivations. Simplify that shit or you’ll never finish.
  5. Readers love sequels. If you’ve written a poorly-selling second book and it isn’t a sequel, re-introduce the main character from your first book. Just add a sentence at the top, something like, “Joe from that other book of mine you liked said,” and then put everything else in quotation marks.
  6. Remember, everyone judges a book by its cover! So maybe change out of those gross sweatpants. Take a shower once in a while and do something with your hair. Jesus.
  7. Keep up with the latest trends if you want a best-seller. For example, dinosaur erotica is very hot right now. All the biggies have been done -T Rex, velociraptors, and such – but what about anchiornis? Anchiornis was a small, feathered dinosaur with long legs which resembled a chicken and was probably a total slut.
  8. Seek expert advice! If your characters are in the military, talk to some soldiers for guidance on equipment and terminology. Writing sci-fi? Get a scientist’s take on your main concept. Romance? Poll your billionaire friends about what they look for in a schlumpy middle-class secretary. Western? Find a cowboy. Fantasy? Talk to an elf. Fan-fiction? Ask the My Little Ponies what kind of sick stuff they’re into.
  9. If you get a single bad review, give up. People are mean and it isn’t worth the tears, trust me. Have you tried singing? Maybe you could take up singing.
  10. If your book has two brown covers, is warm, and tastes good when covered in butter or jam, you haven’t written a book, you’ve made toast. You can probably still self-publish it on Amazon, though.
Posted by Brian in Pointless Babblings, Writing, 2 comments