Books Read in 2023

Who doesn’t love a good end-of-the-year list? I actually don’t particularly care for them, but here’s mine anyway! I don’t think I’ll finish my two current reads in the two days remaining, so here’s every book I finished in 2023.

  1. Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin. Trans dystopia. Loved it. Perfect if you’re an angry queer like me.
  2. Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right by Elizabeth Sandifer. It’s worth brushing up on your scholarly jargon to dive into these essays – the book’s a couple years old now, but some of the figures examined are (sadly) relevant at the moment.
  3. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. So gay. So historical. I fell in love.
  4. The Gentleman’s Guide to Getting Lucky by Mackenzi Lee. A follow-up novella. Still so gay.
  5. Wonderbook by Jeff Vandermeer. A book on creativity and world-building. Beautiful.
  6. The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee. Not quite as gay but still pretty queer.
  7. The Nobleman’s Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee. The least queer of the series, but I forgive it. Did I mention I fell in love?
  8. Answers in the Form of Questions by Claire McNear. A history of Jeopardy!. Fascinating if you’re a fan.
  9. Pilgrim in the Palace of Words by Glenn Dixon. A study of the evolution of languages in the form of a travelogue. Took me a bit to get into it, but I enjoyed it by the end.
  10. Bad Therapy by Matthew Jones. One of the later books in the Doctor Who New Adventures series from the 90s. Working my way through (slowly).
  11. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. A reread to refresh my memory before reading the new one.
  12. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.
  13. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.
  14. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins. Okay, I loved it.
  15. Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law by Mary Roach. I love Mary Roach. Essays on science and culture that are both silly and serious.
  16. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. I had ready and loved Seveneves so I thought I should try his classic. I thought it was decent, but I found it a bit of a slog to get through, if I’m being honest.
  17. Mageling by J.L. Mullins. I was looking for something in the genre of progressive fantasy, which is what I’m currently writing, and tried this. As you’ll see from the next couple of entries, I quite liked it.
  18. Mage by J.L. Mullins.
  19. Binding by J.L. Mullins.
  20. Bound by J.L. Mullins.
  21. Fusing by J.L. Mullins. And then I was all caught up.
  22. Hi Honey, I’m Homo! by Matt Beaume. A history of queerness on television told through essays focusing on individual sit-coms. I tore through this.
  23. Alan Lennox and the Temp Job of Doom by Brian Olsen. Okay, look. I’ve never reread any of my books, and after an extended writing break I’m gearing up for the release of a new one. I thought I should take another look at my first two series and see if they held up before I started the marketing machine again. And you know what? They do! And they take just as long to read as books I didn’t write, so I’m including them in this list. So there.
  24. Caitlin Ross and the Commute from Hell by Brian Olsen.
  25. Mark Park and the Flume of Destiny by Brian Olsen.
  26. Dakota Bell and the Wastes of Time by Brian Olsen.
  27. The Dystopia Spell by Brian Olsen.
  28. Night of the Living Date by Brian Olsen.
  29. The Case of the Empty Throne by Brian Olsen.
  30. How to Kill a Vampire in Outer Space by Brian Olsen.
  31. Karma & the Seven Cups by Timothy James Ryan. Middle-grade fiction by my college roommate. It’s fantastic!
  32. Fused by J.L. Mullins. Next book when?
  33. The Reality Frame by Brian Clegg. Building a universe from scratch as a thought experiment. Fun, amateur-friendly science.
  34. The Guncle by Steven Rowley. Recommended by my niece and nephew. I am nowhere near as fun a guncle as the title character but my jealousy didn’t ruin my enjoyment.
  35. Bringing the Empire Home: Race, Class, and Gender in Britain and Colonial South Africa by Zine Magubane. I read a speech she gave to my high school in the alumni newsletter and was interested enough to pick up her book. Quite scholarly, but if that’s your thing it’s a really fascinating look at… well, at exactly what the subtitle says.
  36. Edge of the Woods by Andrew Rowe. More progression fantasy from one of my favorite progression fantasy authors. I do sometimes wish he’d finish one series before starting another, though…
  37. The Heisenberg Corollary by C. H. Duryea. Fun hard science/fantasy mash-up from another old friend of mine!
  38. The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker. End of the world and coming of age, can’t beat that combo!
Posted by Brian in Pointless Babblings, 0 comments

Nothing But Star Wars: Droids S1E5 – “The Lost Prince” (1985)

“The Lost Prince,” the fifth episode of the Droids cartoon, tackles questions about droid rights in the Star Wars universe, and the answers are exactly what you hope they aren’t.

We left C-3P0 and R2-D2 floating in space, but since then they’ve landed on yet another desert planet that isn’t Tatooine. Star Wars LOVES desert planets that look like but aren’t Tatooine. This one even has a guest appearance from Jabba the Hutt’s band! But nope, it stubbornly refuses to be Tatooine.

Anyway, the droids are in search of a new master, and have been sent by an agency to a diner. Yes, an agency – that’s the only description we get, but it feels very much like a temp agency. They screw up their new food industry jobs in comical ways, of course, and are fired by the diner’s owner. The whole first act of this episode treats droids as employees of their masters, rather than possessions. It’s a good kid-friendly way of handling the thorny ethical issues about seemingly sentient beings being owned that the movies tend to gloss over. Well done, Droids!

Until act two. 3P0 is distraught, saying they can’t function without a master. The implications of this are not explored, but they’re worrying. Does he mean they legally can’t function? Does galactic law require droids to be owned? Or does he mean it literally? Is there something in droids’ programming that will shut them down if they go too long without an owner?

It gets worse. Out of options, the droids put themselves up for auction. On an elevated auction block, with a crowd of people gathered around making bids. The money paid for our title characters, though, doesn’t go to them, it goes to the auctioneer. And they have no say in who they’re sold to; they have no choice but to go with the highest bidder.

I’m trying not to take this essay about a kids’ cartoon to too horrible a place, but you can connect the dots for yourself. These dots are not very far apart. This is perhaps not imagery that should have been served up to kids on a Saturday morning, especially when, while we’re supposed to care for the droids’ plight, the circumstances themselves are not presented as in any way morally wrong.

It’s funny, that the droids can’t find a good master. Uh-oh, they were almost sold to a silly-looking abusive alien! Isn’t that hilarious?

It gets worse. Again.

Let’s assume that these droids we love so much aren’t people. They’re not sentient. Forget that they have emotions, they feel pain, they interact with each other even when non-droids aren’t around. These are nothing but extremely sophisticated versions of ChatGPT encased in robot bodies. Fine. If that’s true, then the auction here is no worse than selling paintings at Sotheby’s. I don’t buy that, but let’s go with it, just for a moment.

This episode introduces a new kind of being to the Star Wars universe – an android. We don’t get a clear definition of what an android is, exactly, but there are a whole lot of context clues. Androids and droids are definitely NOT the same thing. Droids are entirely mechanical. Androids are living beings with cybernetic parts. What we usually think of as cyborgs. Most definitely people, in other words.

An android is sold at the auction, alongside all the droids. Okay, it turns out not to be an android, it’s the titular lost prince in disguise, but nobody knows that when he’s bought by Jann. Jann’s our new hero of the story, the droids’ new master, who is unequivocally a “good guy,” who helps our droids take down the evil gangster and save the poor lost prince. And Jann doesn’t have any problems at all with buying and owning a living being.

So if androids are people, and they can be owned, then we really don’t have any grounds to think that droids aren’t people too.

It’s probably good that Disney owns Star Wars now. This episode of Droids will fit on the vault shelf nicely, right next to Song of the South.

Previous: Ewoks S1E5 – “The Travelling Jindas” (1985)
Next: Ewoks S1E6 – “The Tree of Light” (1985)

Posted by Brian in Star Wars, 0 comments

Ranking Doctor Who – Season 2

My Doctor Who rewatch proceeds, if slowly. I’m resisting the urge to write something in depth about every episode, and am instead doing quick rankings and brief thoughts. Season 1 is here, if you want to start at the top!

  1. The Dalek Invasion of Earth – Everything really is better with Daleks. This one’s an epic and deserves its reputation. With six episodes, all four of our leads get plenty of time to shine.
  2. The Chase – I’m a sucker for stories with a new sub-adventure every episode (see my unusually high placement for the much disliked The Keys of Marinus last season). The Mechonoids don’t quite work, but the episode in the haunted mansion is delightfully bonkers and Ian and Barbara’s exit is beautifully handled.
  3. The Time Meddler – We meet another of the Doctor’s people for the first time! (Except for Susan, of course.) And he’s got a TARDIS! This is the first Doctor Who story to blend history with science fiction elements, and since I’m not a big fan of the pure historicals that makes for a welcome change.
  4. The Web Planet – A lot of people hate this story, and those people are wrong. Okay, it drags a little… Okay, it drags a lot. But it’s just so incredibly weird I can’t help but love it.
  5. The Rescue – A strong intro for Maureen O’Brien, who’ll go on to be criminally underused as new companion Vicki.
  6. Planet of Giants – The giant props are great, and Jacqueline Hill acts the hell out of the script whenever she’s trying to hide her poisoning from her friends. The evil scientist scenes are dull, but telephone operator Hilda and her policeman husband Bert steal the show.
  7. The Space Museum – I’m as surprised as you that I’m not putting this last, but the first episode really is a marvel, and honestly, on rewatch, the rest of the story holds up better than I thought. The main cast snapping at each other constantly does get a bit wearisome.
  8. The Crusade – I know, it’s beautiful and the guest performers are fantastic. But like I said, I don’t love the pure historicals. Maybe if we found the missing episodes I’d change my tune…
  9. The Romans – I love Ian and Barbara’s relationship in this; they are absolutely fooling around even if there’s no concrete evidence on camera. Not a bad story, but not a memorable one.
Posted by Brian in Doctor Who, 0 comments

Nothing But Star Wars: Ewoks S1E5 – “The Travelling Jindas” (1985)

A still from the "Ewoks" cartoon. Latara, a young girl Ewok, is on stage with two members of the Jinda tribe of travelling performers. A group of Duloks sit and watch in the audience.

Capitalism requires indoctrination to perpetuate itself. Objective analysis of capitalism shows it to be an ultimately destructive force, and so to survive it must avoid analysis by the laboring class, who sacrifice their happiness so that capitalists might enjoy ever greater profit. As David Foster Wallace pointed out, fish don’t know they’re in water, so indoctrinating laborers into taking the systems and beliefs that support capitalism for granted is a great way to keep them from asking what the hell kind of muck they’re swimming through day after day.

“The Travelling Jindas,” the fifth episode of the Ewoks cartoon, puts Latara in the spotlight. She’s part of Wicket’s gang of friends, and all we know of her so far is that she plays the flute and flirts with Teebo. It’s her flute-playing, not her flirting, that’s important to this story, as she’s frustrated that nobody wants to listen to the new song she’s written. (Her song is identical to the music that plays over the closing credits, so maybe nobody wants to tell her it’s a little derivative.) As if her friends’ rude avoidance wasn’t bad enough, her father wants her to clean the hut, and her mother wants her to babysit her younger siblings. Latara’s had enough! Does no Ewok appreciate true artistry?

Fortunately for her, the Jindas, a travelling troupe of performers, have passed through the village, and she runs away with them, making her friends promise not to tell. Hilariously they immediately break this promise, telling shaman Logray where she’s gone off to. Sadly, the Jindas are notorious on Endor for always being lost and never being able to find their way back to a place once they’ve left it, so Latara is in danger of never being seen again. Her friends set out to rescue her.

The Jindas being perpetually lost is a pretty good summation of how this episode presents them. They’re nice enough folk, but a little dim, a bit irresponsible, and very egotistical. They live off of the charity of others, or at least that’s how we’re meant to see them. Freeloaders, Aunt Bozzie calls them; never mind that they’re skilled artists and the Ewoks universally love their show. They can be allowed to provide a night’s distraction, but Chief Chirpa makes it clear that this is a one-night-only event, and these vagabonds need to be on their way in the morning.

To Latara, the Jindas’ life is initially an attractive one, but she quickly finds it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Travelling with them, she has to do even more drudge work than she did at home, and she never gets a chance to practice her music, let alone perform it. After the Jindas help her friends rescue her from the Duloks, she bids them a fond farewell, having learned an important lesson. The life of a performer is okay for some people, but responsible little Ewoks know that chores come first, art second.

The other Ewoks don’t learn any lesson at all, and will presumably continue to dismiss Latara’s artistic talent and passion.

If you want to perpetuate generational capitalism, you must indoctrinate not just current laborers, but future laborers as well.

Previous: Droids S1E4 – “A Race to the Finish” (1985)
Next: Droids S1E5 – “The Lost Prince” (1985)

Posted by Brian in Star Wars, 0 comments

Distant Falls is live!

Distant Falls, the soap opera comedy web series I wrote, directed, and appear in, is now live! You can watch the first three episodes now, and new episodes are released every Tuesday night at 8pm EST, until the grand finale on February 13.

Distant Falls stars a bunch of friends I made while studying improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade, plus one friend I made a long time ago while studying at the National Shakespeare Conservatory. I wrote it to give us something creative to do during lockdown, since we couldn’t do live improv anymore. Because we were all isolated, the story is told entirely through video calls the characters make to one another. It was a challenging way to write an ongoing story, but I think it worked out! Take a look at the first episode, at least – I’m really proud of it. And if you enjoy it, like, subscribe, share, all that stuff to help art get seen in our modern dystopic era!

Posted by Brian in Comedy, Directing, Distant Falls, Writing, 0 comments