
Here’s a sketch I wrote for this past October’s live show with my team, 15 Minutes Away. It’s a sort of Agatha Christie parody, and if you’re read my books you might recognize it as a version of the first chapter of Night of the Living Date. I like writing sketches and plays with big casts, so it was fun to be able to use all the actors for this one, and (hopefully) give everybody something fun to do.

Whodunnit? is by me, and features me, Kevin Delano, Ann Marie Yoo, Andrew Warner, John Xavier Miller, Kate Guathier, and James Meiser.

Posted by Brian in Comedy, For the Stage, Performing, 0 comments

Level Three

Why yes, it’s another new sketch from my comedy team 15 Minutes Away! This was from our October 22, 2022, show at the Pit Loft in NYC. It’s written by me, and features me, Kevin Delano, and Ann Marie Yoo.

I was inspired to write this by the various YouTube exercise videos I attempted, and gave up on, during lockdown. I hope you enjoy it, because performing it almost killed me!

And if you want to see us live, you’ve got one more shot this year, on December 17 – tickets here!

Posted by Brian in Comedy, Performing, Writing, 0 comments

Imaginary Friend

New comedy sketch from my sketch team 15 Minutes Away, written by me, and featuring me and Kevin Delano. Benjy’s too old for an imaginary friend now, but he’s got one last magical adventure he wants to play…

This is from our show this past October at The Pit Loft in NYC. Next show is December 17th – tickets here!

Please enjoy my costume. I put a lot of work into it.

Posted by Brian in Comedy, For the Stage, Writing, 2 comments

New show! New sketch! New me!

Well, I’m pretty much the same, except I’m turning fifty! Wowza! I’m celebrating with an all-new sketch show with my team, 15 Minutes Away! It’s this Saturday, 11/19/22, at 9pm at the Pit Loft on W. 29th St. between 6th and 7th Aves in NYC. I wrote three sketches in it, and I’m performing in those plus a couple more. Tickets are available now at the Pit Loft’s site! If you come, you can get a beer with me after at Pioneers Bar, a few doors down! It’s fun drinking with me, I’m a lightweight!

If you want to get a sense of what our humor is like, you can check out this sketch I wrote for our September show, Final Interview. That’s me as the interviewer, with Andrew Warner and Matt Brooks as the candidates. Ann Marie Yoo directed.

Hope to see you Saturday!

Posted by Brian in Comedy, 0 comments

Social Mediarama

As I write this, Twitter – my social media platform of choice – is being driven to ruin by an overmoneyed idiot. I’m sticking around, for the time being, but it’s unclear if those of us too smart/poor/uninterested to buy a blue check will actually be visible for much longer. In the meantime, you can always find the best ways to reach my on my contacts page, but here’s all my online presences as of November 11, 2022. (I’ve got a Linktree if you want ’em quick, but that doesn’t have my pithy, snarky comments.)

Obviously, there’s my blog, but you’re already here so it seems indulgently recursive to link to it. Leave me comments, if you like, and I’ll see them.

The absolute best way to keep up with what I’m doing is to sign up for one of my two newsletters. If you’re here for my books, sign up for my author newsletter – I don’t email that much, only when I’ve got something new coming out, but you get a free novella, exclusive to subscribers! And if you’re more interested in my acting or sketch/script writing, you can sign up for my performing newsletter. Or do both! Why not!

But if you want a form of communication that’s a little less one-way, I’m on Twitter, so long as it stands, as @brianolsenbooks. I post there the most out of all social media, and my DMs are open!

On Instagram, I’m also @brianolsenbooks. I’m on there quite a bit as well, and my DMs likewise beckon you. I post mostly when I’m doing something interesting, like going to a comic con or drinking too much.

Because I’m old, I still have Facebook, and my author page there is www.facebook.com/brianolsenbooks. I’m on there quite a bit, though all I really do is link back to this blog. You have to pay for anybody to actually see any of your posts, and why the hell would I do that?

I’ve been resurrecting my Tumblr account in the wake of Göttertwitterung – I am, surprise, also @brianolsenbooks there. So far also just links back to this blog, but I used to be pretty active there, back when you could post dicks. (I didn’t post dicks, but I found it comforting that they were there.)

Years ago I made a Mastodon account and never used. Still haven’t posted anything, but I want a Twitter exit strategy in case it’s where we all wind up. I’m at https://mastodon.social/@brianolsenbooks. I have no idea how it works yet.

I have a YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@brianolsenbooks. I haven’t done much with it – a couple of comedy videos, that’s about it. I’ll post more if I can get a little more than my current 11 subscribers (not that I don’t love them all). Honestly, you’ll see more of me at my sketch team’s channel, https://www.youtube.com/@15minutesaway. Lots of me acting and writing there! Why not subscribe to both?

And finally, I do have a TikTok, god of the elderly help me. I tried out making a few videos and decided it wasn’t for me, but I do follow other people on there, so follow me and maybe I’ll follow you back? If you must, I’m @brianolsenbooks.

That’s pretty much it, and isn’t it enough? I mean, I have a LinkedIn, but I don’t really use it, and I’m on Grindr but if you want to find me there you’ll have to come to the Bronx and try your luck. See you online!

Posted by Brian, 0 comments