Hey, look, I got a new headshot!
I got it done by Kyle LeMaire Photography, if you’re in the market yourself. I was really happy with the results, and Kyle made the photoshoot incredibly fun and easy.
This picture isn’t all that’s new – you may have noticed I’ve rearranged the website a little bit. I thought it was well past time for a new look. That redesign included moving this blog off the main page – I don’t really post enough to merit putting the blog front and center, so I replaced it with an all-purpose landing page and moved the blog over here, off in a corner. (You found it!)
I do have some ideas for some blog posts I’d like to write, probably getting back to my gentle mockery of geeky things I love like comics and Doctor Who, but those really have to wait – the books have to come first, and they don’t leave me much time for other writing. But check back! You never know. Or follow me on my newsletter, or any of my social media, where I am much more active than I am here. You can find all those links on my Contact page. Now back to writing for me!