Join my mailing list for updates

I’ve got a mailing list! A Facebook fan page is great, but Facebook is like one of the popular kids, only sending party invitations out to a select few. And by “party invitations” I mean status updates, and by “a select few” I mean a small, randomly selected percentage of people who like my author page. Although popular kids don’t choose their party guests randomly, because then I might have accidentally gotten an invitation and they wouldn’t want that. Also, you can pay Facebook to alert everybody on your page, but there’s no way I’m paying stupid Jeremy Haskell to let me come to the stupid house party he’s throwing while his stupid parents are in the Poconos. I don’t even want to go.

That metaphor got away from me a little. I have a mailing list! You can sign up and never miss an update on my new releases. I promise, no spam. I will email infrequently, only when I’ve got something important to announce, like new books or…probably just new books.

Sign up here!

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