Hiya! I’m making a few changes to the site, so things might look a bit odd until it’s all sorted out. The biggest change is I’m bringing my blog back, and putting it front and center here on the home page. For the time being, everything here will continue to show up on my Tumblr blog, Peace of Cake. I’m pretty active over there, so if you’re a Tumblr user, please follow me – in addition to writing about writing, I post funny stuff from comics, Doctor Who, and other geeky endeavors.
Over here, I’ll keep it strictly related to the world of writing. That doesn’t mean it’ll just be a place for to hawk my wares, but I’ll be keeping the out-of-context panels of Batman saying something gay to a minimum.
The first thing I’ll be doing is importing any relevant posts from Tumblr over here, including my series Ten Thoughts on Disney, in which I watch every Disney feature film from the beginning and offer up some quick comments. I’ll be attempting to post-date these, so – if I do this correctly – they won’t show up as “new” posts. Be sure to check the archives if you’d like to read them!
I’ve added a sidebar with links to my mailing list and my books – it’ll only show up here, the rest of the site continues as is. If you’ve got any suggestions on how to further spruce up the place, please let me know in the newly-reactivated comments!